Saturday 24 January 2015

Wine Geekery and Gadgetry

It's happened, I'm becoming a Wine Geek, well either that or a Wine Bore. Geek is preferable though. My sister has given me time slots to talk about wine, outside of these times wine is not to be mentioned. This is proving to be quite difficult. What did I talk about before this growing interest in wine? This is quite a worrying question and an additional hobby may be required.

However this blog is about wine so I can chat about it to my heart's content here and at any future events we do. (Really hope to do one in the next couple of months). But to indulge my geekery and try not to be a bore each of my posts will end with an interesting wine gizmo, because, hey who doesn't love to accessorise!

Presenting the Tether Lasso!

Unfortunately it only appears to be available in The States but what an amazing invention! No more worries about dishwasher wine glass breakage! I want some, and I don't even have a dishwasher!

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